Sheffield Countryside Conservation Trust
Practical conservation development and management

Sheffield Countryside Conservation
The work Sheffield Countryside Conservation Trust has delivered, both volunteering and contract, over nearly 20 years can be seen throughout Sheffield
Beighton Marsh
Extensive wetland creation and flood defences
New footpath network
Installation of access controls
Shirebrook Nature Reserve
Opening of visitor centre
Creation of boardwalks around ponds
Habitat management
New footpath network
Over 2 kilometre of post & wire fencing
Both new and renovated dry stone walls
Thorncliffe Pond
New footpath network
New orchard
Existing pond improved
Parkin Wood
Woodland management plan developed
New footpath network including over 200 steps
Continual woodland management
Bridle Stile
Over 1 kilometre of fencing installed and hedgerow planted
Water mains livestock troughs installed for highland cattle
Viewing platform commissioned and installed
Trans Pennine Trail
Access controls installed
Verges and adjoining woodlands maintained
Continual litter picks carried out
Established new footpath throughout site
Thinning of woodland
Fencing and access controls